Final fantasy xiv the magic word
Final fantasy xiv the magic word

final fantasy xiv the magic word

What my mistress loves most, I cannot say, but I know for a fact what she hates above all else: her last pupil, Y'shtola. She wouldn't do that for something she likes, now, would she? Why, she goes to great pains to avoid the subject. How do I know this? Because she never, ever talks about Y'shtola.

final fantasy xiv the magic word

What she loves most, I cannot say, but I know for a fact what she hates above all else: Y'shtola. From her research into aether to her herb garden, much and more is dear to her. Mayhap one of my brothers will know.Įm ot semoc ehs/eh, yllanif dna, swish-swish-aroo! So, you wish to know what is dearest to our mistress. Unfortunately, I don't know what that thing is. If you wish to see our sister, you can summon her by saying the name of that which is dearest to our mistress.

final fantasy xiv the magic word

When we wish to see her, we need but say the name of that which is dearest to our mistress. But this one time, when we were all getting our bristles cleaned, she taught me how she may be summoned. Very well, I will tell you what I know.Īs she is usually outside, we seldom see our sister. You wish to meet our sister, you say? I suppose you did show me your lovely, lovely tears. I have not seen my sister recently, but perhaps my brothers have. I have not seen her recently, but perhaps my brothers have. After all, she is my sister, born of the same wood as I am. I'm not aware of an incantation, but I do know the broom of which you speak. If there is aught else you wish to know, please do not hesitate to ask! Snruter rerutnevda dnik eht, swish-swish-aroo! Thanks again for bringing me the signpost. Please speak with its fellows here and ask them how you can find it, ribbit. My mistress secretly has one more broom, which she keeps outside the cave. Now, I know not how to summon this broom, but its fellows here should be able to help you in this, at least. That it's a special broom is plain to see, and as such I believe it possesses knowledge that the others do not. I chanced to see her summon it once with some manner of incantation. You have already done much for me, but I must trouble you for one more favor. None of them knew!? Inquisitive as they are, I was so certain they possessed the knowledge. How fared your inquiries, ribbit? Were you able to learn from the brooms what my mistress desires?

  • With the chat mode in Say, enter the incantation at the destination point.
  • Having exhausted all avenues to learn his mistress's desires, he despairs of ever becoming useful to her.
  • You relate to Saro Roggo the details of your encounter with the serendipitous broom.
  • Return to Matoya's Cave and report your discovery to Saro Roggo. You are touched to learn that the knowledge it possesses is none other than all of Matoya's memories pertaining to Y'shtola─from the time she first became her pupil, to the time she left to make her own way in the world.
  • Peering behind the steps of the bridge, you find the serendipitous broom sweeping away.
  • No sooner do you speak the correct incantation than a sweeping noise emanates from nearby.
  • Use your powers of deduction to ascertain the incantation, and with the chat mode in Say, enter the word to summon the mystery broom at your destination. Desperate as he is, he bids you go to the bridge to the east, where you are to try calling out the names of various things.
  • Saro Roggo is at a loss for what the incantation might be.
  • Whether or not you agree, bear your findings back to Saro Roggo and share them with him. However, he seems abundantly confident that she hates Y'shtola above all else.
  • The self-possessed broom is uncertain as to what is dearest to Matoya.
  • final fantasy xiv the magic word

    Seek out the self-possessed broom and ask him what he knows. He suggests you speak with his brothers in case they have the answer. Unfortunately, he does not know what that thing is. The statuesque broom reveals to you that the incantation is the name of that which is dearest to Matoya.Approach the statuesque broom and ask him what he knows. He recommends you speak with his brothers, who may have chanced to meet her recently. She is apparently his sister, born of the same wood. Though the straightforward broom is unaware of an incantation, he knows the broom you seek.Begin by consulting the straightforward broom. He bids you speak with the brooms in the cave once more, that you might learn the incantation by which their mysterious fellow may be summoned. He reveals to you that Matoya secretly has one more broom outside of her cave, and he has reason to believe that it possesses knowledge that the others do not. Saro Roggo is disappointed to learn that the brooms did not know what his mistress desires.The Magic Word is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

    Final fantasy xiv the magic word